Atvira paskaita „Ten Secrets to Finding Success and Happiness“
Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto (LEU) Filologijos fakulteto Anglų filologijos katedra ir Lietuvos anglų kalbos mokytojų asociacija (LAKMA) maloniai kviečia į dr. Darylo McCarthy (JAV) paskaitą, kuri vyks 2015 m. balandžio 13 d. (pirmadienį) 14 val. LEU Filologijos fakulteto (Studentų g. 39) 259 aud. Paskaitos trukmė – 60 min.
Kviečiami studentai, dėstytojai, mokytojai ir visi, kurie domisi kalba ir kultūra!
Most of us want to experience happiness and success in life. During this talk I will share lessons I have learned during more than 40 years in the workplace, traveling to more than 55 countries and from meeting hundreds of highly successful people all over the world. How do we define true success? I will present the ten most important secrets that will lead a person to authentic success and lasting happiness.
Daryl McCarthy earned his professional doctorate in non-profit organizational leadership from The School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Graduate School. He also has graduate degrees in theology and philosophy of religion. He taught philosophy and theology for several years. In 1988 he was a co-founder of an international academic NGO and since then has worked with universities on every continent. Since 2011 he has been a parttime lecturer at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. He is Vice President of Academic Programs and Strategy with European Leadership Forum. His areas of interest are effective leadership and the ways our view of Jesus contributes to human flourishing.