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1 Response

  1. K parašė:

    Nuosirdziai dekui uz rasiny. Jus visi nnuostabus :-) Jum leidus noreciau kai ka dadeti nelabai gilinantis y detales :-) Filosofas buvo teisus, bet iki filosofo buvo dar ydomiu asmenybiu kurie truputy kitaip isireiske – didziausia dovana kuria mes turime tai pakeisti savo poziury y daigtus. Vienas svarbus momentas – sis pasaulis neutralus – jis nei blogas nei geras – visata mum visiem draugiska ir niekas nenori mum blogo. Kurio kaip ir nera – Sekspyras, hamletas antra dalis :-) Na ir mano dienos mintys, jos angliskai – kas tures nora isivers :-)

    Today I will judge nothing that occurs.
    I could see peace instead of this.
    I am under no laws but gods.
    I will not value what is valueless.
    I do not know what anything is for.
    I do not perceive my own best interests.
    There’s another way of looking at the world.
    Only God’s plan for salvation will work.
    There is no love but gods.
    The world I see holds nothing that I want.
    I will step back and let him lead the way.
    I will be still an instant and go home.
    I give my life to God to guide today.
    Let all things be exactly as they are.
    I choose the second place to gain the first.
    It can be but myself that I crucify.
    I’m affected only by my thoughts.

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